Akademi ARKIPEL 2018

Akademi ARKIPEL 2018

On 24 – 28 January 2018, ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival held the 2nd Akademi ARKIPEL in Puncak, Bogor, West Java. This Akademi was organized in the form of workshop by inviting several facilitators and involving participants whom were selected out of 160 submissions. They were selected by Yuki Aditya (Festival Director of ARKIPEL) and Manshur Zikri (one of the curators of ARKIPEL).

The participants were either writer (film critic) or filmmakers, they are:

  1. Ali Bayanudin Kilbaren, filmmaker (Ambon)
  2. Rachmat Hidayat Mustamin, writer and filmmaker (Makassar/Surakarta)
  3. Theresa Farah Umaratih, filmmaker (Tangerang)
  4. Ahmad Humaedi, filmmaker (Lombok Utara)
  5. Naufal Amar, filmmaker (Surabaya)
  6. Luthfan Nur Rochman, filmmaker (Jakarta)
  7. Sulthana Dzakaria Drajat, filmmaker (Solo)
  8. Dito Ardhi, filmmaker (Solo)
  9. Anggy Rusidi, writer (Bukit Tinggi)
  10. Haris Fadli, writer (Medan)
  11. Dini Adanurani, writer (Jakarta)
  12. Hardiawan Prayoga, writer (Yogyakarta)
  13. Muhaimin Nurrizqy, writer (Padang)
  14. Delva Rahman, writer and filmmaker (Solok)

At the Akademi, the participants were getting insights about “Aesthetics, Activism, and Experimentation in Cinema”—divided into several sub-materials such as: “The Wealth of Art Substance in Cinema” (by Hafiz Rancajale); “Cinema Production as Activism and Education” (Otty Widasari); “Experimental Cinema: History and its Contemporary Evolution” (by Hafiz Rancajale); and “Expanded Cinema” (by Mahardika Yudha) -and “Film Production Management and Scenario Development” -which is divided into sub-materials on “The Prowess of Aesthetic and Production Management” (by Yosep Anggi Noen); “Preparing Scenario and Research Relevance for Film Production” (by Dirmawan Hatta); and “The Essence of Scenario in Documentary Production” (by D. S. Nugraheni).

The facillitators at Akademi ARKIPEL 2018 are:

Yosep Anggi Noen, film director from Yogyakarta, who also teaches on film at University of Multimedia Nusantara. He graduated from Communication Studies at Gajah Mada University. The films he directed, among others are Solo, Solitude (2016), Genre Sub Genre (2014), A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw a Hole in One (2013) and Permanent Vacation and Other Illnesses (2012) and It’s Not Raining Outiside (2009).

Dirmawan Hatta, a theater activist, writer and filmmaker. He also often organizes documentary workshops in several areas. His long feature films are Toilet Blues (2014) and Optatissimus (2013). He also wrote screenplay for several films, including May (2008), King (2009), The Mirror Never Lies (2011), and Keumala (2012).

Dwi Sujanti Nugraheni, an activist, researcher, and documentary maker. He often organizes video workshops for young people, as well as one of the managers of the Documentary Film Festival in Yogyakarta (since 2017 to become one of the FFD Board members). His famous documentary film, titled Denok & Gareng, was produced in 2012.

Otty Widasari, an artist, writer, filmmaker, and co-founder of Forum Lenteng. He is also the Program Director of Community-Based Education and Media Empowerment (AKUMASSA). Graduated from Jakarta Art Institute in 2013 majoring Arts.

Hafiz Rancajale, an artist, curator, filmmaker, and co-founder of Forum Lenteng. He graduated from Jakarta Art Institute in 1994. He is also the Artistic Director of ARKIPEL – Jakarta International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival.

Mahardika Yudha, a researcher, artist, curator, and filmmaker, and one of the founders of Forum Lenteng. He is also Coordinator of Research and Development Division at Forum Lenteng. In 2018, along with two colleagues, Syaiful Anwar and Afrian Purnama, he released a documentary film, titled Golden Memories: petite histoire of Indonesian Cinema.


Bogor, Indonesia