Framing Objects – 69 Performance Club #4

Framing Objects – 69 Performance Club #4

Performance Art

10 objects with different form, character, and function. The history behind each object is certainly diverse; social, mechanical, space and city, intimacy, domestic, childish, gender, and so forth. In this 4th edition of 69 Performance Club, each performer is asked to frame those 10 objects to their own history, following the performer’s “preference” to infuse content and contemporary context. This challenge goes along with how the performer is able to frame that series of object into aesthetic event, not empty, and also not filled with messages. This fourth edition was curated by Hafiz Rancajale and presented seven artists; Abi Rama, Hanif Alghifary, Muhammad Fauzan, Prashasti Wilujeng Putri, Ragil Dwi Putra, Rambo, and Reza Afisina.

ruangrupa, Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 6,  April 9th 2016.


69 Performance Club