JEDA-DOCU Film Screening

JEDA-DOCU Film Screening


JEDA-DOCU is a bi-weekly screening program that was exhibited at Forum Lenteng. The program was conducted by Forum Lenteng members to seek another form of presentation in documentary film language. Each exhibition was presented by one presenter, and the collective writings were produced into a catalogue.

The films screened in this program are; By Night with Torch and Spear (Joseph Cornell), Fog Line (Larry Gottheim), Warrendale (Allan King), The Battle of Algiers Documentary (Gillo Pontecorvo), The House is Black (Forough Farrokhzad), Fake Fruit Factory (Chick Strand), Reassemblage (Trinh T. Min-ha), (nostalgia) by Hollis Frampton, and Tierra Sin Pan (Luis Buñuel).

The program was held from February to June 2011. The presenters involved are: Fuad Fauji, Syaiful Anwar, Ugeng T. Moetidjo, Mira Febri Mellya, David Darmadi, Manshur Zikri, Akbar Yumni, and Anib Basatada Wicaksono.

The screening was held February – June 2011.


Forum Lenteng Book and Film Library