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About Akumassa

Program for Education of Community-based Media, namely akumassa, is a program of media empowerment initiated by the Forum Lenteng since 2008, in collaboration with local collectives/communities in several regions in Indonesia, to conduct workshops and to produce a variety of forms of communication media (such as texts, images, audios, and videos). Until 2014, akumassa has been implemented at 11 locations, as follows::

  1. Jagakarsa Subdistrict, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Province: workshop with Komuntas Mahasiswa Kreatif Audio Visual (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah) and Epicentrum (IISIP Jakarta).
  2. Harjamukti Subdistrict, Cirebon, West Java Province: workshop with Gardu Unik
  3. Rangkasbitung Subdistrict, Lebak, Banten Province: workshop with Saidjah Forum
  4. Padangpanjang Timur Subdistrict, Padang Panjang, West Java Province: workshop with Sarueh Open Space
  5. Ciputat Subdistrict, Tangerang Selatan, Banten Province: workshop with Djuanda Community
  6. Pemenang Subdistrict, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province: workshop with pasirputih
  7. Randublatung Subdistrict, Blora, Central Java: workshop with Anak Seribu Pulau
  8. Cipocok Jaya, Serang, Banten Province: workshop with Sebumi
  9. Rungkut Subdistrict, Surabaya, East Java Province: workshop with Kinetik
  10. Beji Subdistrict, Depok, West Java Province: workshop with Suburbia
  11. Jatiwangi Subdistrict, Majalengka, West Java Province: workshop with Ciranggon Community

akumassa (a combination of two words: “aku” and “massa” [‘I’ and ‘public’]) was launched by the Forum Lenteng as a community-based media that emphasizes citizens’ perspectives in order to respond to social phenomena, in particular the small narratives (the under-current narratives) and mass occurrences which are identical to a specific location, as well as the issue about media that are appropriate to the contexts of its historical and contemporary developments. This program uses the framework of media literacy and citizen journalism approaches.


Forum Lenteng

Advisory Board
Hafiz Rancajale, Ugeng T. Moetidjo, Mahardika Yudha & Andang Kelana

Program Director
Otty Widasari

Otty Widasari & Manshur Zikri

Reserach and Development
Divisi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Forum Lenteng

Editorial Team

Editorial Board Otty Widasari, Manshur ZikriHafiz Rancajale & Ugeng T. Moetidjo
Editor in Chief Otty Widasari
Executive Editor Manshur Zikri
Authors of akumassa Bernas Albert Rahman Putra (Solok); Fuad Fauji (Lebak); Muhammad Sibawaihi (Lombok Utara)
Main Translator Devy Larasati
Alternative Translators Muhammad Sibawaihi & Manshur Zikri

Coordinator of Research & Development Mahardika Yudha
Webmaster Andang Kelana
Web Administrator Manshur Zikri, Dhuha Ramadhani