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KRITIK! Criticism & Curatorial Lab: Film & Contemporary Art

KRITIK! Criticism & Curatorial Lab: Film & Contemporary Art

KRITIK! Lab of Criticism & Curatorial: Film & Contemporary Art comes as a strategic initiative to respond to the needs of understanding, appreciating, and interpreting works of art. The need for an in-depth understanding of these practices is becoming increasingly important in Indonesia, where art production is becoming more diverse and dynamic. By designing a comprehensive curriculum and involving experts in their fields, this program intends to create space for art enthusiasts and practitioners to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of criticism and curation. Through a series of intensive activities, ranging from regular classes, public lectures, film writing, excursions to galleries, museums, and art communities, to project design exhibitions, the program equips participants with theoretical knowledge while encouraging them to actively engage in the practice of art knowledge production.

The curriculum of the program is designed to cover the history of aesthetics, the history of film, the theory of contemporary art, film criticism, and socio-cultural issues relevant to the art world. By inviting prominent speakers such as Martin Suryajaya, Mikke Susanto, Otty Widasari, Agung Kurniawan, Bunga Siagian, Arief Yudi, Bambang Bujono, Ronny Agustinus, Manshur Zikri, Joned Suryatmoko, and Risa Permanadeli to present a detailed elaboration of the subject. The public lectures by these experts not only presented theoretical material but also sparked interesting and in-depth discussions.

The participants in this program, who came from a variety of educational backgrounds and regions, added to the complexity of the dynamics of the discussion and the diversity of perspectives. The participants were Alya Maolani (Lombok), Azalia Syahputri (Yogyakarta), Aswad Atjo (Mamuju), Ananta Wijayarana (Jakarta), Alifah Melisa, Dahlan Khatami (Jakarta), Dyah Nindyasari (Depok), Pinka Oktavia (Yogyakarta), Niskala Hapsari Utami (Jakarta), Rafael Marius (Yogyakarta), and Robby Ocktavian (Samarinda).

One of the outcomes of this program is the Pameran Rancangan Proyek held on November 10, 2024, at Forum Lenteng. Each participant who has developed a curatorial project plan or art project during this program is presented using various mediums to communicate their ideas to the public. This exhibition is also a space to test the ideas and ideas they bring in their designs on the public.


Jakarta, Indonesia