Self Portrait and Distancing Project

Self Portrait and Distancing Project

Self Portrait and Distancing if a project to document “the self” initiated by Milisifilem Collective through self-portraits. Participants are free to use any medium such as ink, boil point, color pencils, dan oil pastel on paper. A self-portrait can be seen as a recording of the expression, imagination, and interpretation of the participants in understanding the current conditions, in a situation that requires each individual to return to their private spaces, since the announcement by the government to conduct social distancing for areas affected by Covid -19. A total of 378 works from the Self Portrait and Distancing project presented on the Instagram account @milisifilem

The participants of Self Portrait and Distancing project were Ahmad Humaidi, Afrian Purnama, Alifah Melisa, Alessandra Langit, Anisa Nabilla Khairo, Anggraeni Widhiasih, Dhanurendra Pandji, Dhuha Ramadhani, Dini Adanurani, Erviana Madalina, I Gde Mika, Jeremy Randolph, Kyla Callista, Luthfan Nur Rochman, Manshur Zikri, Mardi Al Anhar, Maria Deandra, Maria Silalahi, Mia Aulia, Niskala H. Utami, Panji Anggira, Pingkan Polla, Prashasti Wilujeng Putri, Pychita Julinanda, Raras Umaratih, Robby Ocktavian, Syahrullah, Taufiqurrahman, Theo Nugraha, Valencia Winata, Volta Ahmad Jonneva, Wahyu Budiman Dasta, Yonri Revolt, Yuki Aditya.

The Self Portrait and Distancing project also invited the public to post their own self-portraits on their feed with the hashtag #potretdirimilisifilem. As much as 17 portraits were chosen and reuploaded to @milisifilem.


Instagram, Indonesia