Halaman Papua Jayapura

Halaman Papua Jayapura


Halaman Papua is an alternative education based on media program talking about public health service in Papua initiated by Forum Lenteng since 2013. The program was in collaboration with four local communities; Community of Hiloi (Sentani), Community of Riyana Waena (City of Jayapura), Community of Rumah Bina (Wamena), and Community of Yoikatra (Timika). In its first activity, Halaman Papua focused to discuss and map health issues and media. In the future, the program will expand to cover social issues in the society of Papua in general.

In addition to producing text and images, this workshop also produced six videos, which premiered on March 9, 2014 at the Hall of STPK St. Yohanes Rasul, Jayapura. The workshop was facilitated by Saiful Anwar and Bagasworo Aryaningtyas from ForumLenteng, Muhammad Sibawaihi from Pasir Putih -North Lombok, and Nico Tunjanan from Sekretariat Keadilan Perdamaian dan Keutuhan Ciptaan Fransiskan Papua in Sentani, Jayapura district. The workshop was in collaboration with Community of Riyana Waena in the city of Jayapura. The workshop’s participants are Agustina Ansanay, Alloysius Rahawadan, Warumboy Gerson, M. Iqbal Akbar, and Joseph Levi.



Halaman Papua