Pekan Seni Media 2017: The Reverse Flow of Technology in Art

Pekan Seni Media 2017: The Reverse Flow of Technology in Art

Pekan Seni Media 2017: The Reverse Flow of Technology in Art

Pekan Seni Media or Media Art Week is an art program initiated by the Directorate of Art, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Culture and Education Republic of Indonesia, in collaboration with Forum Lenteng. The programs are divided into several activities covering Media Art Socialization, Media Art Exhibition 2017 “The Reverse Flow of Technology in Art”, National Symposium of Media Art 2017, Special Presentation by Transmediale and CTM Festival, Media Art Workshop, Media Art Education Tour, “Semelah” Performance by The Wayang Bocor, Multimedia Performance by Julian Abraham “Togar” and Reza Afisina “Asung” as well as Establishment and Development of Media Art Database Platform ( by Forum Lenteng. These series of events are curated by Hafiz Rancajale with Andang Kelana and Mahardika Yudha as Assistant Curators. The rapid economic growth and infrastructure development, as well as the activities of youth and artists working collectively through communities in Pekanbaru became one of the reasons why the city was chosen to host Pekan Seni Media 2017 in order to explore its potential to be optimized. Forum Lenteng in this opportunity works together with Siku Keluang as its local partner community.

Media Art Socialization program took place on March 24th, 2017 in Rumata Makassar, April 4th 2017 in the Indonesian Institute of The Arts in Padang Panjang – West Sumatera, on April 12th 2017 in Samarinda – East Kalimantan, on April 15th 2017 in Taman Budaya Palu, and on April 8th  2017 in Taman Budaya Medan.

Pekan Seni Media 2017 was held on July 9th – 14th 2017 in several locations in Pekanbaru. Concurrently, the Media Art Exhibition 2017 was held at Akademi Kesenian Melayu Riau (Riau Arts Council Building), Pekanbaru. This exhibition presents media art works from 25 artists and 4 collective artists from various cities in Indonesia, namely Tintin Wulia (Bali/Brisbane), Otty Widasari (Jakarta), Prilla Tania (Bandung), Tita Salina (Jakarta), Reza Afisina “Asung” (Jakarta), Ari Dina Krestiawan (Jakarta), Bandu Darmawan (Bandung), Krisna Murti (Jakarta), Anton Ismael (Jakarta), Agan Harahap (Yogyakarta), Bagus Pandega (Bandung), Woto Wibowo (Yogyakarta), Duto Hardono (Bandung), Julian Abraham “Togar” (Yogyakarta/Medan), Ade Darmawan (Jakarta), Narpati Awangga (Jakarta), Agryano Soemantri (Jakarta), Abi Rama (Jakarta), Ricky Janitra (Jakarta), Beng Rahadian (Jakarta), Reza “Azer” Mustar (Jakarta), Heri Budiman (Pekanbaru), Furqon Lulus Wargi (Pekanbaru), House of Natural Fiber – HONF (Yogyakarta), Lifepatch (Yogyakarta), Serrum (Jakarta), Riyan Riyadi “The Popo” (Jakarta) , Marishka Soekarna (Jakarta), and Kelas Pagi.

Media Art Education Tour guided by Assistant Curator, Andang Kelana and Mahardika Yudha, was held on July 12th – 14th 2017. The tour was performed 6 times involving 6 groups of students, each from SMK Muhammadiyah II majoring in Multimedia, SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, SMA Muhammadiyah I, SMAN 1 Pekanbaru, SMA Al Azhar Syifa Budi II Pekanbaru and SMK Labor.

Student involvement also occurred during the Media Art Workshop at SMK Labor, Pekanbaru. The first workshop was a comic-making workshop which happened on July 11th – 12th, 2017 led by Reza Mustar “Komikazer”. The next workshop was a three-day 8-bit mixtape-making workshop on July 12th – 14th 2017. The workshop was led by five artists from Lifepatch, namely Budi Prakosa, Andreas Siagian, Adhari Donora, Ferial Afiff and Dholy Husada.

National Symposium of Media Arts Indonesia was held for two days, from July 10th to 11th 2017, and divided into four panels and one keynote speech from Dr. Ir. Restu Gunawan, M.Hum. Panel 1 of the symposium entitled “Interface of Media Technology and Media Art in Indonesia” presented three speakers namely Dr. Edwin Jurriëns, Hendro Wiyanto, and Krisna Murti and moderator Irma Chantily. Panel 2 entitled “Media Technology as Media of Social Change ” presented Hikmat Budiman, Andreas Siagian, and Otty Widasari as speakers with Manshur Zikri as moderator. Panel 3 entitled “Encoding the Software and Hardware Culture of Media Technology in Society” was attended by Benny Wicaksono, Adityo Pratomo, and Mahardika Yudha as speakers with Manshur Zikri as moderator. Panel 4 inviting Ade Darmawan, Dave Lumenta, and Manshur Zikri as speakers and Irma Chantily as moderator were themed “Decoding the Indonesian Media Art”. On each day, a summary of the panels was read and followed by a more fluid discussion session. In addition, at this symposium, the website was officially launched by Hafiz Rancajale. This site is managed and developed by Forum Lenteng with support from the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia. The results of discussions during symposium will be published as a book.

Special Presentation by Transmediale and CTM Festival was held in Open Theater of Taman Budaya Riaua (Riau Cultural Park). This Special Presentation is supported by Goethe Institute and conducted by Afra Suci Ramadhan, Rizki Lazuardi, and The Youngrrr (Dyantini Adeline & Yovista Ahtajida).

There was also “Semelah (God Bliss)”, a performance by The Wayang Bocor held for 2 nights on July 11th  2017 and July 12th  2017 at Anjung Seni Idrus Tintin, Bandar Seni Raja Ali Haji complex.

Collaboration between Julian Abraham “Togar” and performance artist, Reza Afisina “Asung”, was performed to show a Multimedia Performance as the closing for series of Pekan seni Media 2017 event. The show, which experimented with light and sound, was held also in the Anjung Seni Idrus Tintin on July 14th 2017.



