On 9-11th of November 2018, four members of Forum Lenteng: Hanif Alghifary, Pingkan Polla, Prashasti Putri, and Ragil Dwi Putra were involved in Undisclosed Territory # 11 at Plesungan Studio, Solo. Undisclosed Territory is an annual performance art festival, held by Plesungan Studio, Solo, by Melati Suryodarmo. The festival was attended by performance artists, art activists, curators, and art academics who specifically focused on the study of performance art, which came from various countries, such as the Philippines, Thailand, Argentina, Japan, Germany, Ireland and Singapore. There was a symposium held for one full day as one of the festival programs, which is divided into several panel discussions. One of the panels was titled “Collective Performance Art Platform as Living Library”. In this panel, Pingkan and Prashasti, representing 69 Performance Club – Forum Lenteng, presented a presentation on the 69 Performance Club platform itself. Initially, Pingkan gave an explanation of the Forum Lenteng organization, such as how Forum Lenteng was established, and the standing point of Lenteng Forum in the the art scene and activism in Indonesia. Furthermore, Prashasti gave an explanation of how 69 Performance Club was founded and its learning methods while also showing video documentation of performance artworks of 69 Performance Club members. Also attending the panel with Pingkan and Prashasti were three performance artists from Ireland: Sinead O’Donnel, Argentina: Graciela Ovejero Postigo, and Studio Plesungan Solo: Melati Suryodarmo. They also presented their collective work. After the panel discussion was ended, the event continued with the presentation of performance art by invited artists. Hanif and Ragil were two of the artists. Hanif presented a performance work titled “Hole”. In this work, Hanif built construction works with sounds produced by the audience who chew crackers. The chewing sound was then continued with the sound produced by Hanif who destroyed the crackers he had brought. With projections from an endoscopic camera, he made interesting visual presentations. Then, Ragil presented his work entitled “I Trace Myself”. This work is a work that he developed from his old performance work, entitled “Small Field and The Table” (2016). In “I Trace Myself”, Ragil tried to fold a big paper with his legs while carrying a table, on which there are several glasses of cooking oil, above his head. He built tension by trying to keep the table balance and the oil cup in place without falling. Year Plesungan, Central Java, Indonesia
69 Performance Club at Undisclosed Territory #11, Plesungan Studio