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Candikala Platform Initiation – Nusantara Classical Era Heritage Recontextualization

Candikala Platform Initiation – Nusantara Classical Era Heritage Recontextualization

This year, Milisifilem Collective – Forum Lenteng initiated, an initiative to explore the past of visual culture in the historical, socio-political and regional dimensions of archeological artifacts. In 2021, Milisifilem Collective plans to produce three feature-length documentaries about Prambanan Temple, Batujaya Temple, and Panataran Temple.

Based on research by academics, the temple is a building built with the most comprehensive philosophical system. Its development influenced and was influenced by the composition of the surrounding community, mythology, artistic expression, natural constellations, geopolitics and contemporary events that left an imprint on the collective memory of the Indonesian nation. It is the composition of aspects in the temple that needs to be extracted, in addition to being historical knowledge, but also universal values ​​and strategies for navigating today and the future. This recontextualization of ancestral values ​​and philosophy is not in the sense of returning to the traditional, but is an important element in synergizing the modern paradigm with local wisdom which is still relevant to today’s reality. The most appropriate medium for this recontextualization is film.

Film as an audiovisual medium has the potential to persuade the masses to reflect. Especially if you look at the need for watching and the fluency of the community in appreciating today’s films. It can bring together ideas from the past in a modern frame of mind, especially in essay films or essay films. Essay films have been used since the early period of cinema to communicate “complex” ideas into speculative, captivating cinematic language, and ultimately contribute to social change. This genre is used by filmmakers and cultural activists around the world to discuss the themes of anti-war, anti-racism, gender equality, and religious tolerance. It is not impossible to make this temple essay film speak globally about what we need to improve and strive for as citizens of the world.

To start exploring the past, since April 2021, Milisifilem Collective had started reading books related to archeology and temples. The independent reading activity was followed by a public lecture that brought Prof. DR. Agus Aris Munandar and DR. Ninik Susanti Tedjowasono from Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Indonesia, and Drs. Bambang Budi Utomo from Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional as the lecturer. Based on the enrichment of literature and exposure from experts, the Candikala team began field research to explore the past.

Field research began in June 2021, starting with the visit of the Candikala team to Yogyakarta and Central Java. The sites visited in Yogyakarta and Central Java were Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Site, Ijo Temple, Borobudur, Pawon Temple, Mendut Temple, Kalasan Temple, Sambisari Temple, Sari Temple, Sojiwan Temple, Plaosan Lor Temple, Sewu Temple, Barong Temple, Sukuh Temple, Cetho Temple, Bima Temple, Arjuna Temple, Gatutkaca Temple, Dwarawati Temple, Dieng Temple, and Liyangan Site. Then the Candikala team traveled to West Java and visited the Batujaya Site.

The second field research trip was held in July 2021. In this research, the candikala team visited temples in East Java. The sites visited were Bajang Batu Gate, Tikus Temple, Trowulan Museum, Brahu Temple, Jawi Temple, Belahan Temple, Gununggangsir Temple, Wringin Lawang Gate, Cungkup Temple, Petirtaan Jolotundo, Badhut Temple, Singosari Temple, Jajaghu Temple, Kidal Temple, Naga Temple, Panataran Temple, Sawentar Temple, and Rimbi Temple.

Shootings at the Prambanan, Batujaya, and Panataran sites was carried out from August to October 2021.


Jakarta, Karawang, D.I. Yogyakarta, Magelang, Karanganyar, Blitar, Kediri, Malang, Mojokerto, Indonesia