As a fringe event for the 2020 Japanese Film Festival Plus (JFF Plus), on Saturday, December 5, 2020, the Japan Foundation in collaboration with the Klub Yukitanonton held an online discussion themed “Gizi Sinema Ozu” or “The Essence of the Cinema of Yasujiro Ozu” which dissects the aesthetics of Yasujiro Ozu, a legendary Japanese director who was active from the 1930s to 1950s, through the film Flavor of Green Tea over Rice (1952). This discussion was filled by Yuki Aditya as the moderator and interlocutors consisting of students, film activists, and writers including I Gde Mika, Dhanurendra Pandji, and Dini Adanurani. Flavor of Green Tea over Rice (1952) was chosen according to the JFF Plus program, which aired this film in a restoration edition since the day before so that the public who participated in the discussion activity could enjoy the film by Ozu first. The discussion was opened with the historical background and aesthetics of Ozu in the treasures of Japanese cinema presented by Yuki Aditya. Prompted by critics’ arguments for calling Yasujiro Ozu “the most Japanese director”, Yuki explained how Ozu’s films became a kind of historical chronicle documenting the Japanese socio-political-cultural situation from the 1930s to 1950s. Dhanurendra Pandji then explained his reading of dualism in Ozu cinema. Then, I Gde Mika added the cinematographic aspect of Ozu with his presentation of symmetry, and Dini Adanurani explained the female aspect and emphasized the simplicity of Ozu’s aesthetic. The discussion lasted for one hour from 15.00 – 16.00 GMT+7, and was attended by around 60 participants who joined the Zoom platform. Several questions that came from participants about the influence of Ozu’s aesthetics in contemporary Japanese cinema were responded to by speakers and moderators with their respective perspectives. In closing this discussion, the JFF Plus committee provided information about the film material which can be accessed by the public through the Japan Foundation. Now, the discussion can be accessed on YouTube. Year Jakarta, Indonesia
The Essence of the Cinema of Yasujiro Ozu – Klub Yukitanonton | Fringe Event of Japanese Film Festival Plus 2020